Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

muning.journal entry


I had one experience about negative peer pressure. When I was in first year high school we had a Christmas party and after that my classmates wanted me to hang out with them. But I told them that I can't go because I told my aunt that after the party I will go home. As usual they really force me, so I go with them. I was so guilty that time because I disobeyed my aunt. And after we left the school, we went to the mall. Then after we went to mall, we went back to the school, while going back to the school riding a tricycle and I was sitting in the back ride, there was an accident occurred. My left foot was crushed by another tricycle and they took me to the school and one of the janitors massage my foot. But it is useless, so they took me back home. My aunties were really shocked because of what happened to me. We left home with my family and took me to the hospital and when they x-ray my foot the doctor saw a fracture on my ankle. So it might take long to be healed, the doctor asked me if he will cast it or undergo operation. But my mother answered the doctor not to undergo operation because I'm still young and I can't handle such operation, so rather she chose to cast my foot.

In that experience I was able to learn many things, especially in disobeying my parents or guardians. At first I should not disobey my aunties so that I was able to avoid that accident. I guess the real lesson is that I should follow or listen what they told me. I know that parents and guardians do it for our own sake, they love us and they are only protecting us, avoiding us in accidents.

I have only one message to other youth like me, please listen to your parents, guardians or even in elders as they just want to protect us and avoid us in such accidents and harm, they love us that is why they care and protect us.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

muning.journal entry


For me, a responsible person is someone that can manage and organize his/her time meaningfully and can balance every work he/she will be doing. A person who is versatile enough to do anything.

My responsibility at home is to clean my room and take care of my grandmother. But I am always in my room so I have no big responsibility to do at home, just help and sometimes teach my brother in his homework and sometimes do his projects and the responsibility to do the assigned tasks to me, if there is. In school, as a student my responsibility is to do what the teacher or professor assigned us to do, listen to them when they are discussing and show them respect. And for the community as a citizen my responsibility is to help improve the environment, I should be aware of what is happening to the country, to show the correct way of disposing the garbage and showing how to conserve water.

muning.journal entry


TELLING THE TRUTH is quite hard to tell. In some instances there are times I lied to cover up the things that I have done. I admit it is really hard to tell the truth especially if you commit a big mistake. But, as I had an experience about it. I learned my lesson and I don't do it again but I became more open and so honest to the people around me especially to my family, guardians and to other people that are close to me, even in other people.

Yes I was able to do the challenge, for the fact that I where to lose my aunt's trust to me. So I tell them the truth rather than lie, because I should accept what I have done because that is the right thing to do.

When I tell the truth and as I always do tell the truth, I realize that it is not that hard. I'm just being open to them and sharing what I have done. Although I commit mistakes they were there to correct me and it is really for my own good. Now as I get older, I am realizing that all the advices and all the taught that my parents and guardians told me is really true. And I can honestly say that I really learn from all the mistakes that I have done and it help me to be not just a good person but a better person.

muning.journal entry


As I realize, I'm not that really aware of my health. Even though I'm fat or some people says that I'm healthy it is not true. In the fact that I'm not really that healthy as every people sees me in the physical, because I still have illnesses like ulcer. I know no one expect that I have it due to my physical appearance, but I do really have it. There are times that I skip meals and I drink soda even if I haven't eaten yet. I'm not aware that my stomach is getting thinner and I'm having difficulties in getting sick.

I had an experience about this illness that I really got so sick and my body cannot ease the pain. Everybody was really scared that time when my ulcer attacks. My whole body really break down, I felt dizzy and that time I am really stressed and depressed, that is why my ulcer attacks. It serves a lesson for me. My aunt told me not to stress myself and not to be depressed because it will get me sick, so I listened to them.

So now, I learned my lesson and my heath is a little bit fine. I am under medications to heal my stomach and I took up vitamins because I easily get tired and easily get sick.

muning.journal entry


1. I took the challenge wherein I should get a high score in a quiz or seat work. I were able to beat the challenge and I really felt so proud that I were able to get that score. I was also glad that I gained from my hard work.
I realized in the challenge, I should work hard and persevere to attain my goals and dreams. And I should not for get God in every work I will do, for him to guide me through.

2. When I first so the trailer of the inconvenient truth in the internet, I had an idea that it was all about our earth and all the calamities that we have encountered. I was shock that many people died, many properties or places were destroyed all because of the calamities. But we have also fault why these calamities happened and we also have the responsibility on our environment.

We as a human being and as a part of the environment we should know how to take care of it. Now the world is encountering a global warming it is also because of us. I realize that we should and we must take good care of it and be responsible enough to protect our world. Even in simple things or simple doings we can help and protect the world and the environment, for us to avoid such calamities and disasters.

As an individual, I commit myself that even in small or simple ways I will help improve and protect the environment. I will take good care of it in a way that I should throw my trash in the proper place and I should also be a good role model to the younger children.

muning.journal entry



5:00am - waking up
5:15-5:45am - taking a bath
5:45-6:00am - dressing up and preparing for school
6:00-6:10am - going to school
7:00-11:30am - school hour
12:00-1:00pm - going home
2:00-2:30pm - lunch time
2:45-6:30pm - study time and some of the time eating merienda
7:00-8:00pm - dinner time
8:15-10:50pm - leisure time, studying, watching tv
11:00-11:15pm - preparing for sleeping (taking a hot bath)
11:15pm - taking a nap


We all encounter challenges and trials, as a person we strive hard to reach our goal to accomplished it. For me, when I entered high school it became a big challenge to me for the fact that I have to dealt with adjustment.

When I was a freshmen student my goal was to graduate in high school. Of course, I had many trials and challenges during that time,like the difficulties in solving mathematical problems. As time went on I was enjoying that life, but the big challenge was there and the question you wanted to answer whether you will graduate in high school or not. The goal I was able to reach was there and I have to strive hard, and having the challenge that I have to maintain my high grades so that I could graduate in high school with honor.

After four years of hardship, I was able to graduate with honor. I had accomplished my goal, even though it was quite challenging. I was able to do it because of my determination, perseverance, trust in myself, not losing hope and having faith in God.

muning.journal entry


Looking back to my positive characteristics and qualities, I realize that even though I'm not that perfect I still have those positive behaviors. But still I have my negative behaviors.

For me, I want to be treated with respect. If I'm giving suggestions, it depends on them if they will acknowledge it or not. But I just want them to get an idea of what I suggested if it is correct. When I commit a mistake I want them to correct me rather than acknowledge it.

I will also show respect in dealing with other people. In dealing with the MCL community I also commit myself to show them respect what ever position they are. As a person they also owe respect as in return they respect me.
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